Pastoral Care

At Carnforth High School, we pride ourselves on the fact that each student is known and knows that they are known. A student’s happiness and well-being are recognised as the foundation for their success. Effective pastoral care underpins school life and there is always someone to whom the students can turn for help and advice. Students remain with the same form tutor for Years 7 – 11 and their personal welfare is overseen by a team of Year Leaders.

Pastoral Structure

Ms A Newson – Senior Assistant Headteacher
Mr J Fox – Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr J Walters – Year Leader for Year 7 and Transition
Mr N Wellwood – Year Leader for Year 8
Ms E Cleasby – Year Leader for Year 9
Mrs S Duggan – Year Leader for Year 10
Mrs K Rigby – Year Leader for Year 11
Mrs A Forber – Pastoral Support

Mr D Milner – Attendance Manager

Anti-Bullying Measures

Any form of bullying behaviour is taken very seriously at Carnforth High School.

  • Bullying has no place at Carnforth High School.
  • Bullying goes against our school value of respect; treating others the way we would like to be treated ourselves.
  • Bullying goes against our school aims; we want all pupils to leave CHS as the best versions of themselves that they can possibly be.
  • Being bullied has a negative impact on mental health and self-esteem. We do not want that for any of our pupils.

Bullying is not a one-off incident or a disagreement with another pupil. It is categorised as:

  • when someone is deliberately unkind to you, repeatedly, over time.
  • face to face or online actions. It can be physical, verbal, emotional, written, or discriminatory.
  • an imbalance of power, e.g. the person is older than you, or in a group, so it is hard to defend yourself.

We deal with bullying at Carnforth High School using the ‘3 R’s’ approach:

Report​ If you are being bullied, or feel unsafe, report it.​
Respond​ Once you have made a report, staff will investigate, and action will be taken to deal with the incident. This action will be communicated to you and your family.​
Review​ Once action has been taken, staff will check in with you and your family to review the outcome.​

Pupils are encouraged to report bullying behaviours. These can be reported in the following ways:

1. Report it to your Form teacher, Year Leader, or any other adult in school​.
2. Use the Reporting Bullying email address​ –
3. Scan or click on the Reporting Bullying QR code. Fill in the form which will be sent to your Year Leader​.

If parents have any concerns about bullying behaviours in school, please contact your child’s Year Leader.

School Nurse and Counselling

The school nurse and professional counsellor are available at specific times during the week to provide advice and guidance. Parents should contact a Year Leader in the first instance.

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