Every Lesson Counts

Miss School = Miss Out

This year, we have set all students the target of achieving a minimum of 96% attendance.  This equates to missing no more than 8 school days over the academic year. It is a legal commitment for children to attend school and we monitor attendance very closely. There is a clear link between high attendance and high achievement and therefore it is very important that the school works together with parents/guardians to ensure that your child attends school every day unless there are exceptional circumstances. Parents often ask what exceptional circumstances are and these are one of life events and will be considered on a case by case basis.

How does Carnforth High School reward attendance?
  • Each week that your child gets 100% attendance, they also get five praise points on Epraise.
  • Being in school means your child’s form has the best chance to win the weekly attendance contest.
  • Being in school means your child has the best chance to win the whole school attendance contest.
Family Holidays and Term Time Leave

Parents/carers should ensure that family holidays are arranged outside of school term time. Holidays during term time will not be authorised. Any unauthorised absence may result in a penalty notice of £60 per parent per child.

If you require any help regarding your child’s school attendance or have any other issues please contact Mr D Milner on 01524 732424 ext 202 or email dmilner@carnforthhigh.co.uk

Penalty notices Information For Parents

Application for School Absence Form

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